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Livemusik: Live! Grande Royale live in Magdeburg

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05.11.2017 - 06.11.2017
19:00 - 3:00

Eintritt: Eintritt frei


Flowerpower Magdeburg
Breiter Weg 252,
39104 Magdeburg

Grande Royale is a rock’n’roll band from Jönköping, Sweden,
who find their roots in the early 70’s rock scene of Detroit and
the 90’s rock scene in Scandinavia, mixed up with some vintage
pop. The music is straight forward rock’n’roll packed with
electric guitars, melodic vocals and thundering bass lines.
During the bands first year, Grande Royale recorded and
released their debut album titled ‚Cygne Noir‘ (2014) and the
second album was released in 2015 with the title ‚No Fuss – A
piece by resolute men‘. At this stage the band had been doing
all of the recordings by themselves, and also released the
albums on their own. These records made it possible for the
band to go out and play live shows all over Sweden, as well as
in the U.K and Southern Europe. With energetic live shows, and
tight performances Grande Royale raised the roof of the
venues. In the summer of 2016 Grande Royale started to work
on their third album in the Honk Palace with Nicke Andersson
(Imperial State Electric, The Hellacopters, Entombed) as the
engineer and producer. The album got the title ‚Breaking News‘,
and will be released on The Sign records in August 2017.

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